
Jagua comes from the fruit tree Genipa americana which is native to northern South America, the Caribbean and southern Mexico, growing in profusion in rainforests. It is also called huito or jenipapo. Indigenous tribes in the Amazon traditionally use the juice of the jagua fruit for body ornamentation, bug repellent, and sun protection, and have for as long as it can be remembered. Additionally, the fruit is used for many medicinal purposes.

When we come together I will create art that is symbolic and specific to you taking into account your design requests and how it will best fit to your body. Jagua leaves a blue/black stain that is similar to henna in its longevity, but the energy of the plant is somewhat different. Jagua is also a really great way “try on” a tattoo design for a couple of weeks. If you are interested in this, please let me know. It is important to know that because jagua comes from a fruit there is a higher chance of allergic reaction, and so it is important to not get jagua if you have a berry allergy. Please let me know if you have any skin or food allergies in general.

I use jagua that is ethically and sustainably sourced from South America. The way that this fruit is harvested is very important and I take this into account when choosing suppliers. Full aftercare instructions will be given at your appointment, but you will leave the jagua paste on your skin for 2-3 hours and then wash off with soap and water. From there, the stain will develop over 48 hours and stain care is similar to henna.

